Center for Applied Math Leadership
Director, Center for Applied Mathematics Research areas: numerical linear algebra; microelectromechanical systems; network tomography; finite element analysis; numerical software design Rhodes Hall, Room 612 OH: by appointment Bookings page Office phone: 607-255-5395
Administrative Manager, Center for Applied Mathemtics Position Summary Provides support for CAM administrative, budgeting, financial management, alumni relations, sponsored project pre- and post-award management, and communications & public relations. Serves as the primary information source for current and prospective students & postdoctoral associates, as well as Applied Math field faculty and associated administrators from various other departments. Phillip Rusher has been working at Cornell since 2017, having spent time in the Department of Classics and the Department of Statistics and Data Science prior to arriving at CAM. He earned a degree in Cell Biology and Neuroscience from Rutgers New Brunswick. On campus: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday WFH: Monday, Wednesday Arrange meetings at 607-255-0986