CAM Graduation
The following three CAM PhD students graduated on Saturday, May 26, in a ceremony presided over by CAM field member and former director, Steve Strogatz.
Daniel Freund
Daniel's dissertation is entitled Models and Algorithms for Transportation in the Sharing Economy. After a 1-year postdoc at Lyft, he will join the faculty at MIT. (Committee members: David Shmoys (chair), David P. Williamson, and Jon Kleinberg)
Rinald Murataj
Rinald's dissertation is entitled Default risk and asset returns. He will be joining T. Rowe Price as a quantitative equity strategist. (Committee members: Robert Jarrow (chair), Michael Nussbaum, David Ng, David Matteson and Sanjeev Bhojraj)
Bertrand Ottino-Loffler
Bertrand's dissertation is entitled Synchronization unlocked: spirals, zetas, rings and glasses. He will be employed as postdoc at MIT with funding provided by a James S. McDonnell Foundation postdoctoral fellowship. (Committee members: Steven Strogatz (chair), Richard Rand, and Christopher Myers)
Congratulations, graduates!