CAM Featured Alumnus: Johnny Guzman, Class of '05

Johnny Guzman

Class of 2005 (Advisor: Lars Wahlbin)
Associate Professor, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University


  • NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2005
  • Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, 1999
  • Cornell Sloan Fellowship, 1999
  • Robert Rhode's Award: Outstanding Graduate in Mathematics, 1999

My area of research is numerical analysis. My Ph.D. thesis was written under the guidance of Lars Wahlbin and I worked very closely with Alfred Schatz. While a CAM student, I had the opportunity to take a variety of courses, including engineering, computer science, and mathematics. It was great to be in a supportive environment that allowed me to make close bonds with fellow students. CAMs commitment to diversity was a major reason I attended Cornell. Many Cornell faculty were instrumental in making sure under-represented students were successful.

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